N. Kishor Narang
Principal Design Strategist & Architect | Narnix Technolabs Pvt. Ltd.
About Speaker
Kishor is Technology Advisor, Mentor, Design Strategist & Architect in Electrical, Electronics & ICT with over 45 years of professional experience in education, research, design and consulting running an Independent Design House – NARNIX since 1981. Over 35 years of hardcore Research and Design Development Experience in Solutions, Systems, Products, Hardware, Software & Firmware (Embedded Software) across diverse technology & application domains, and over 10 years of Consultancy Experience to different segments of business & industry. He has over 350 Research & Design Mentees in the Electronics, ICT & STI Ecosystems. Currently, mentoring many Deep Tech & Disruptive Tech Startups.
For the last 15 years, he has been deeply involved in standardization in the electrical, electronics, communications, information technology and cyber security domains with a focus on identifying gaps in standards to bring harmonization through standardized interfaces to ensure end-to-end Interoperability. With focus on ubiquity & comprehensive interoperability in Digital Infrastructures, he has been pursuing applied research in last Mile Communication and 5G Communication Architectures developing some unique approaches resulting in National & Global Standards. Proactively contributing to IEC, ISO, ITU, IEEE & BIS along with various industry consortia…
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